José A. Navarro

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Piazza del Duomo 5-6,
50122 Florencia, Toscana, Italia

The cathedral (or duomo in Italian) dedicated to Santa Maria del Fiore is located in the old city. It was built in the Fourteenth century, in the early Renaissance. It is famous for its large dome, which is 45 m in diameter and 100 high. It was designed by Brunelleschi, one of the greatest architects of the Renaissance. The interior contains frescoes by Giorgio Vasari, representing doomsday. The building of gigantic dimensions, is a Latin cross with a ship and two aisles. The floor is covered with colored marble that forms a maze of shapes and textures. Except the dome and ceramic orange roofs, walls of the temple are covered with white Tuscan marble, green and pink, with designs nervous and magical. This dates from the Renaissance coating, except for the facade, which is from the nineteenth century.

One feature that has many Italian churches is that the bell is not attached to the church, but separately, a few meters from it. It was designed by Giotto and is completely covered by colorful Tuscan marble.

Right in front of the cathedral is the magnificent baptistery. The attractiveness of the Baptistery is the east gate, where panels Ghiberti bas reliefs carved into the wood and then covered them with gold foil. Motivated by his big ego, carved himself at the door.