José A. Navarro

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Contact information and description

Mobile phone:
Calle Bécquer ,
41013 Sevilla, Sevilla, España

Along the Avenue de Becquer, lies the roundabout of the same name and whose monument is undoubtedly the most successful and the most appropriate for decorating a romantic garden and the park of Maria Luisa. This idea was conceived by playwrights Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero, while in the National Fine Arts Exhibition held in Madrid in 1910 outlined a proposed monument to the poet, presented by the sculptor Lorenzo Coullaut Valera. With this project, and benefits for the work associates´The eternal rhyme´, ´Comedy peaceful sleep and deep poetry´, Modeled on Becquer´s rhyme IV, written by the brothers Alvarez Quintero and premiered at the Teatro Lara of Madrid, on 23 November of that year, coasted to Gustavo Adolfo Becquer monument opened in the Maria Luisa Park December 9, 1911.

In treating of Becquer monument, consisting of a bust of the poet and the seated group of three female figures inspired by the rhyme X Becquerian "Love happens," he commissioned the sculpture studio of Frederick Bechini Bagnasco, Italian-born Livorno and set in Barcelona in 1881. Of the other two bronze figures that complete the monument: one is lying, or "Love hurt", and the other a young cherub or cupid, is likely to be replicated in the art foundry, another Italian Romolo Staccioli , also set in Barcelona in 1888. The group of three female figures Becquer monument is made of a single piece of marble.

The monument is located about a Bald cypress, Taxodium distichum L, planted in 1850, according to some, and in 1870 according to others, which currently is one of the individual trees of the Parque de Maria Luisa .. On a base polygon, in a bank that embraces his surroundings, stay the symbols already mentioned, only interrupted by a high pedestal with a bust of the poet.